Yoga for All

Yoga for all, and yet have you noticed that most Yoga in the media is done by the SUPER fit?

I once made the mistake of searching for ‘men’s yoga’ on Instagram, and I could not find a single guy who did not look like an action figure.

This inspired me to train as an instructor so that I can show people that Yoga is for everyone, no matter the shape, size or how good they look in skin-tight lycra πŸ™‚

Dante Harker doing yoga
Dantes Yoga - Dante Harker doing yoga in a factory setting

Yoga for All

Yoga for all, and yet have you noticed that most Yoga in the media is done by the SUPER fit?

I once made the mistake of searching for ‘men’s yoga’ on Instagram, and I could not find a single guy who did not look like an action figure.

This inspired me to train as an instructor so that I can show people that Yoga is for everyone, no matter the shape, size or how good they look in skin-tight lycra πŸ™‚

If this website seems a little all over, that’s because it’s created by me, and my mind is often all over. Spend ten minutes in my company, and you will know what I mean πŸ™‚

And when I say created, I mean from start to finish,Β  built by me – graphics, bits of code, the lot! πŸ™‚ Oooh.Β 

Dante Harker doing yoga

I am tall, with wide shoulders that catch on doorways, and I favour my right side, so if I’m not careful I would walk around in circles πŸ™‚ Do I let this put me off getting the benefits of Yoga? I do not. You don’t need to look Insta perfect, for Yoga, you just need to show up to the mat πŸ™‚

Dante Harker doing yoga

I am tall, with wide shoulders that catch on doorways, and I favour my right side, so if I’m not careful I would walk around in circles πŸ™‚ Do I let this put me off getting the benefits of Yoga? I do not. You don’t need to look Insta perfect, for Yoga, you just need to show up to the mat πŸ™‚

keep up to date with – well I’m not sure yet, probably a thrilling newsletter πŸ™‚ Either way, sign up now for the fun πŸ™‚

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Dante Doing Yoga

keep up to date with – well I’m not sure yet, probably a thrilling newsletter πŸ™‚ Either way, sign up now for the fun πŸ™‚

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